Invest in Serbia

Why Serbia ...? All Investment Roads Lead to Serbia.
Serbia bridges Eeast and West. Its treasured position in the heart of South East Europe makes it an outstanding investment.

Tax Incentive

  • Salary tax exemptions for employees under 30 and over 45 years.
  • Corporate profit tax credits up to 80% of the fixed assets investment.
  • Annual income tax deductions up to 50% of the taxable income.
  • Carrying forward of losses over a period up to 10 years.
  • Social insurance contributions exemptions for employees under 30 and over 45 years.
  • Accelerated depreciation of fixed assets.
  • Customs-free imports of equipment based on foreign investment.
  • A 5-year corporate profit tax holiday for concessions.
  • Salary tax base deduction in the fixed amount of €60 a month.